Communication : Press

Elmostrador October 9, 2018
Félix Bogliolo y la aceleración del cambio climático: "Si Chile no hace nada en un par de décadas no habrá agricultura de Valparaíso al norte"

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Entrevista Radio USACH Santiago Verde October 20, 2013

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5th World Water Forum - Istanbul - March 2009
Conclusions of session 3.2.1 : Ensuring Adequate Water Resources Development and Management (Quantity and Quality) for Sustainable Development and Storage Infrastructure to Meet Agricultural, Energy and Urban Needs:
- The water supply from the sea by flexible pipes should be an easy, economical and environmental friendly alternative solution.
- Inter Basin Water Transfers in order to transport water from “excess” basins to “in-need” basins should be positively albeit carefully considered, in particular using innovative submarine rivers or subsea aqueducts.

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« L'eau, un trésor en partage » - Ghislain de Marsily Dunod Paris 2009 Page 223
Ghislain de Marsily – member of French Science Academy – unanimously and globally acknowledged as one of the greatest water specialists, dedicates to Via Marina and its Submariver® system a special box entitled “a very original transportation system”.
In particular, he writes:
•”the size of this catchment … would not represent a constraint too important for the downstream part of the (river) and its ecosystems.”
•”It is indeed a technology which allows the development of a new fresh water resource, with no impact on the environment.”

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« Des « rivières sous-marines » pour transporter de l’eau douce entre pays » - Gaëlle Dupont - Le Monde 22 mars 2009

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« Géopolitique de l’eau » - Suzanne Dionet-Grivet – Ellipes - Paris 2011

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